Ok, first of all, this is a bit of an oldie, but it’s certainly still a goodie. Second of all, these 22 rules aren’t rules at all, but rather a clever collection of workplace advice and personal experience. And third of all, they’re not endorsed/enforced by Pixar by any means.
That said. I find it helpful to not only study and know these little nuggets of wisdom and have them at the back of my head when I’m trying to get the creative juices flowing. It’s also a fun cheat-sheet to revisit for inspiration. But let’s back-track a little bit. I remember seeing these 22 short storytelling mantras – reposts and/or reworks of the 22 original tweets by then Pixar employee Emma Coats – a while back, but it wasn’t until I came across this free e-book by Stephan Bugaj that I really dove into the meaning of them all. And understood where they came from, which you will to once you read Stephan’s e-book introduction. Which you must.
When you have done just that, you may enjoy the following. These are the tweets by Emma Coats, visually represented by your favorite Pixar characters, as posted by imgur user Dinolgnacio.
All Disney copyrights, trademarks, and logos are owned by The Walt Disney Company.
h/t Emma Coats, Dinolgnacio on imgur and Stephan Bugaj.
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